Sunday, February 17, 2008


Before I can blog on my latest toy, i.e. my phantom 200, I met with a minor accident.

It was a normal Saturday afternoon. Ivy and I were supposed to go for our Japanese lessons. Unfortunately, this was a make-up lesson for the one we missed on Wed as I was totally held up at work.

As I was approaching SLE from Lentor Road, I realised that my speed was above the limit as I approach the bend. It did not help with the pool of sand at the side of the road which further affected my braking ability.

Damages to me and Ivy as follows:

My injuries

Ivy's hand
Its all my judgemental error that resulted in this accident. Over-confidence might have been another factor. If you look from another angle, it might have been good to have this "minor" accident to remind me the fragility of life and risk involved. It also gives us enough time to heal completely before our wedding shots later this year.
Next thing to do is to find a way to dispose of this latest toy and get a second hand car probably.
Thank goodness that I am still alive to blog this after standing/lying along SLE for a while. Also kudos to the people who stopped by to help. Thanks once again.

Sunday, February 3, 2008

Looking forward in 2008

I have wanted to start a new blog for 2008 but havent got time to get it done. Jan has been crazy to start with work and other commitments.

Need to put all those procrastination out of my life. A glimpse of what I hope to achieve by end 2008:

1) Take Japanese Lesson & JLPT4
2) Take and pass CFA Level I
3) Run a half marathon under 2 hours
4) Workout at the gym twice a week at least
5) Get a PDA phone
6) Get a PSP
7) Practice my photography skills and migrate to a DSLR
8) Take my advance open water diving certification
9) Achieve 10% ROI for all kinds of investments

Let's visit this list in 1 years' time and see how I fare.