Friday, January 29, 2010

Civil Servant

What defines a Civil Servant?

a) An occupation that many considers an "iron rice bowl"
b) A job to serve the people other than joining politics.
c) A way to influence the life of an ordinary Singaporean.
d) It is just another job.

I ask myself the question this evening. I am not sure of the answer myself although I thought the answer was closer to b) or c). I am sure there are many out there who will choose a) or even d).

If the primary purpose is to make a difference to others, shouldn't we work closely towards a more holistic objective? I thought that given the lack of profit making motive (bottom line matters for private sector companies), the approach to working in the civil service should be entirely different.

However, I did not observe this at my workplace. Perhaps it is just another job. Don't think too much about it and look forward to the next payday.

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