Sunday, January 3, 2010


I spent 8hrs and 59mins in IMM today. An amazing feat considering I am not a shopper by occupation nor is shopping one of my hobby. Anyway, that is history since I managed to strike off 3 items of my "Need-to-Get" list for my house renovation.

During our break at Kopitiam (a food court chain), I saw 2 interesting things.

First - I was sharing a table with another family of 5. The mother was busy feeding her kid porridge bought from one of the store. The kid is probably less than 6 months old. From my experience (seeing how my nephews and nieces grow up), they did not take outside food until they were more than 1 years old due to the flavouring and MSG.

Before the mother feeds the child, she puts the food in her mouth to check the temperature is suitable for the child to consume. This is done repeatedly until the desired temperature is attained. This is not done by swallowing but achieved by tasting the food and letting the food out of the mouth. This is very "old-school" in our opinion whereby few people do such things already. Even if practised, I was expecting the old generation to do it and not someone in their 30s.

肮脏吃,肮脏大。Is this correct? Nowadays, parents tend to be extra careful in their preparation of baby items, ranging from food to clothing. Is this the correct approach? I am not sure. I am more for allowing the kid to build up their anti-bodies naturally. However, timing is important so as not to over-introduce the germs in case the baby cannot take it. Sounds difficult? I think so. Not sure how I am going to manage it but i will try.

Second - At the next table, there was this lady who had a bowl of kang-kong (presumingly from yong tau foo store). The kang-kong are raw and there are probably 6-10 bunches of them. Later, the lady took one bunch and removed the leaves before dipping the stems into some sauce she brought. This went through for a while. The auntie sitting next to her was looking at her. The sight of this reminded me of "Gotcha" or "Just for Laugh - Gags". What shocked me later was that she tried to feed her baby (about 6 months old) with the raw kang-kong too. How is the baby going to digest it? I never understand how some parents think actually.

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