Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Emotional Quotient

The following was the conversation between my staff and me:

s: I went for an EQ talk last weekend. I think you should go too.

me: So you are saying that my EQ is very low?

s: No, your EQ is quite good I think, except for one part. You need to learn how to scold people, to let go of some emotion within you. Else once you snap, you will explode.

I guess she is right. I always thought that my EQ is ok. Perhaps I was wrong. EQ is more than just saying the right thing at the right time, doing the right thing at the right time. Its about control, controlling your emotion and managing them, not letting them control you.

It is not easy but you just got to learn and manage it. Have signed up for an EQ course in March. Hope to gain and benefit from it.

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