Friday, January 1, 2010

Year 2009 in Review

It has been a roller-coaster year, both personally and professionally. It has been a tremendous learning experience (steep learning curve too) for me to learn how to manage all this. I guess you grow from such experiences.

It is also a year where new friendship was forged and I truly appreciate the company and advice that comes with it. With these, you gain new perspective of things. It does not matter if this person is much younger than you as different experiences bring about different point of view.

In the coming year, I will be expecting a new member to my family which poses a challenging time as well. With all the support I can garner from my close ones, I am sure I will be able to pull through with flying colours.

Lastly, thanks all for reading this blog faithfully (I know that at least 2 out of the 6 billion world population reads this). I will continue to use this to pen my thoughts, with more interesting posts hopefully.

Have a great 2010 ahead.

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