Monday, December 28, 2009


My friend and I were talking about men doing house chores [I am one of them :)] and we were wondering if this has become a pre-requisite for men these days. In the more ancient time, women are (ideally) required to be well-versed in household affairs. In our modern society, women are playing an increasingly important role in the workforce (eg. Ho Ching, Oliver Lum...), men have also been seen picking up the "slack" in performing household chores to maintain the "eco-balance".

At a recent christmas gathering with the boys from my secondary school, the boys were busy at the BBQ pit while the partners were sitting down to chat (and wait for the food). While cooking, we started asking each other who is in charge of washing the toilets in the house. Interestingly, 4 out of 5 said that the husband or husband-to-be will be in-charge.

Its interesting to see how time have changed and the "roles" of men and women have evolved.

Women have become "进得了厨房,出得了厅堂" while men have also embraced the title of "新好男人" by helping out in the house chores and caring for the kids.

Give it another 20 more years and let's see what it will become. Will it be the case whereby more men are house-husband (企鸸爸爸)while women will be in-charge of bringing home the bacon?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

hands up for this prerequisite, lol! i guess it's all about balance and sharing the chores.. .equality!